Promote Tolerance

prejudice [prejuh-dis]

1an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.
2any preconceived opinion or feeling, either favorable or unfavorable.
3unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, esp. of a hostile nature, regarding a racial, religious, or national group.

cultural diversity“…with liberty and justice for all.” How many times have we read, said or heard those words without considering their significance? These words are our commitment to celebrate the diversity, richness and beauty of the United States’ multicultural heritage.

To fully live out our pledge we must continue to transform our communities into places free from hate and respect for all. In a hate free environment everyone benefits from the opportunities available through interaction with others who have diverse cultures, histories and experiences.

Teaching tolerance and offer opportunities for individual voices to come together and make a difference in communities across the country. The last great road trip team is hoping to raise awareness by encouraging everyone to see the similarities between all of us and appreciate wonderfully diverse communities. Look for the last great road trip team as they drive on their adventures and let them know you support hate free communities everywhere.

For talking to your children about prejudice and discrimination see the Anti-Defamation League’s web site as well as teaching tolerance.

See the rest of our thoughts on diversity by reading the stories under Celebrate Our Differences and Diversity

2 thoughts on “Promote Tolerance”

  1. Dr Matin luther Kings Dream was of a day that a man would be judged by the content of his charater not the color of his skin. Hmm would that mean I need to get to know someone before i form opions, good or otherwise?

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